New Earth ~ Culmination

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An insightful rendering on the rebirth and rejuvenation of our collective energy, now...10”x 8” Acrylic on Board

Divinely guided exercises begin to fill our day as the cup runneth over with imaginary creation. The blocks are colliding and manifesting into shapes unknown to the naked eye. We look deeper inside the depths of our own soul to see what we want to hear and to hear what we cherish to see. It is a culmination point in our history. Divine timing asking do we stay or go, can we let another version of self step into our place. Yes or no is not the clear answer it no longer suites as the climax of our endeavors rises to the surface to be acknowledged. Disparagingly only unto ourselves a gap is exposed. I wonder, can we let go of the old and usher in the new? Unfortunately for us that means we lose what we once thought we were to uncover the next ONE. But what if that makes us disappear...Where would we go? Does it really matter? <3


abstract art channeled energygaze gatewaysoflight lightportals newearth spiritart spiritualawakening tarversart

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